The Cedar City Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at 12:15 at the Southwest Tech, 757 W 800 S, Cedar City, UT 84720. Fellowship and the buffet starts at noon. The meal is prepared by very talented Chef Jon and his Culinary Arts students!

Upcoming Programs

July 30th:  Brennan Wood, President of Southwest Tech and fellow Rotarian, will be giving an update on the latest happenings at the college and Rotary Scholarship recipients will be there to tell their stories!!

August 6th:  Golf Tournament and July Jamboree Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon.

August 13th:  Caroline and Max Brown will be talking on Fostering!!

August 20th:  BZI tour - onsite at the location on Airport Rd.

August 27th:  Ree Zaphiropoulos will be talking about the Cedar Livestock & Heritage Festival.

July Jamboree 2024 from the CCPD drone!!

The Four Way Test

of the things we think, say or do

first...Is it the TRUTH?

second....Is it FAIR to all concerned?

third....Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

fourth....Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

for 2024

fifth....Will it be FUN?