The Cedar City Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at 12:15 at the Southwest Tech, 757 W 800 S, Cedar City, UT 84720. Fellowship and the buffet starts at NOON. The meal is prepared by very talented Chef Jon and his Culinary Arts students on the 4th Tuesday of every month and by the ever-yummy Ala Chelle Catering on all other Tuesday meetings!!
Upcoming Programs
January 14th: Meeting at Southwest Tech.
January 14th: Food for the kiddos at Fiddler's Elementary at 3:15pm. It is a fast and furious heartwarming 20 minutes!!
January 21st: Meeting at Southwest Tech.
January 28th: Meeting at Southwest Tech.
February 4th: Meeting at the new Central Iron County Water Conservancy District office located at 710 S. Westview Drive - just past the SUU Farm on the right side. There will be a tour, some lunch and then we'll put together benches and grills for the Canyon Water Park project.
February 11th: Food for the kiddos at Fiddler's Elementary at 3:15pm. It is a fast and furious heartwarming 20 minutes!!
March 11th: Food for the kiddos at Fiddler's Elementary at 3:15pm. It is a fast and furious heartwarming 20 minutes!!
April 8th: Food for the kiddos at Fiddler's Elementary at 3:15pm. It is a fast and furious heartwarming 20 minutes!!
May 13th: Food for the kiddos at Fiddler's Elementary at 3:15pm. It is a fast and furious heartwarming 20 minutes!!
July Jamboree 2024 from the CCPD drone!!
The Four Way Test
of the things we think, say or do
first...Is it the TRUTH?
second....Is it FAIR to all concerned?
third....Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
fourth....Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
for 2024
fifth....Will it be FUN?